For Fishbowl to connect to OpenTable, you will need first to Request the Fishbowl Integration on OpenTable as well as collect your Restaurant Identifier from your OpenTable account before being able to connect this data source to Fishbowl.
Request the Fishbowl integration from your OpenTable Contact
Please send the below email to your Opentable main point of contact:
"As part of our onboarding process, the team at Fishbowl informed me that there is a new data sharing approval waiver from OpenTable. Would you be able to send that to me to sign in order for the OpenTable team to turn on the OpenTable + Fishbowl integration?"
Once the data waiver is signed, Opentable will initiate the integration on their end. Once Opentable has confirmed integration has been initiated, you will need to map your Opentable Restaurant to Fishbowl GRM. See below on how to do so.
Finding your OpenTable Restaurant ID:
- Log in to your OpenTable account at
- Your restaurant's name will appear above the menu items.
- The Restaurant ID will appear just below the restaurant name and above the menu.
Mapping OpenTable RIDs to Fishbowl Stores
Please note: You will need to repeat these steps for each store you wish to connect.
- Log into
- Select the desired store
- Click Connect Tab
- Click the OpenTable tile
- Click the Connect button
- Enter a name that makes sense to you for the Connection. We recommend as a best practice ["Brand Name" OpenTable] to keep it simple and straightforward.
- Enter in the stores OpenTable Restaurant ID (RID)
- Click Add
- Please send an email to your Implementation Manager to notify us after you have completed connections for all stores. Once our Implementation Team has been alerted, we can begin to validate that the data is flowing as expected.
Congrats! You have connected this data source! Repeat for any additional Stores you may be connecting.